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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023

  • The problem is, it turns out a lot of the US government works on a sort of honor system, where it’s assumed whoever is put in office a) has the US’s best interest at heart and b) has the trust and support of the people who voted them in, and that they’d swiftly removed by the democratic process upon violating that trust. Unfortunately, the past few years have made it painfully clear that neither of these things are necessarily true.

    This isn’t the first time presidential pardons have stirred up controversy, though. Another famous case was following the Watergate scandal in the '70s, which led to president Nixon resigning. His vice president, Gerald Ford, became president as a result, and used his power to pardon Nixon of any crimes he may have committed as president. His approval dropped sharply as a result, and it probably cost him his chance at reelection.