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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • This is so wild. Google allows side loading and 3rd party app stores…and that is the reason they were found guilty.

    Unlike Apple, Google allows people to download apps onto phones running its Android operating system without going through its official app store, but the company strikes deals with phone manufacturers to favor Google’s official app store.

    So because they strike deals to favor their store, even though they allow 3rd party stores to begin with, they’ve violated the SAA.

    Meanwhile, Apple who refuses to allow competition or 3rd party app stores is sitting pretty because…well, they haven’t “favored” their own store over rival stores. BECAUSE RIVAL STORES CANT EXIST. I don’t know how you could favor your store any harder than that??

    The legal shenanigans around all of this are frustrating to watch as a lay person.

  • I’m not a lawyer or legal expert but my layman’s understanding is the laws on antitrust are a 100 years old. Most of these companies skirt them “technically”. There is thing about proving consumer harm and some of these, in the short term, are arguable better for consumers. Likewise proving an actual monopoly with old time definitions is hard because in a lot of cases there is technically competition.

    Let me end by saying, I think it’s horse she and they are plenty anti competitive practices out there, but the FTC is fighting with a hand tied behind their back with the laws in place.

  • A couple things:

    You are responsible for making sure your data is backed up. If you only had it on Google drive, you fucked up. Their durability 99.99999 or whatever is fantastic, but you should always do your own due diligence and back up your files. Again, if your only copy of data is on one medium, even if it’s Drive-- you’ve messed up.

    I know thats semi- victim blaming(or straight up victim blaming) and that doesn’t excuse Google for screwing up. But shit happens. If you had this somewhere else, this is just a minor annoyance. Restore and move on.

    That said, Google has always sucked at customer service. That’s probably because, with Google, you are often the product, so they don’t really have a good culture of taking care of customer issues. They seemed to have bungled the comms on this.

    But people being people, even if this is fixed there are always going to be people that swear it’s not. Because they are either crazy, vengeful, or because they truly Believe a file should be there (even if they are simply misremembering/wrong). At some point a company has to move towards and nip the complaints in the bud because there is always a subset of people that will continue to bitch about it forever.

  • Lemmy world is a bit obnoxious sometimes with the downvotes.

    This is a nice video because you can get the highlights of what’s changing in aws while not having to watch the entire keynote spiel–which is absolutely a corporate sales pitch.

    This is basically the TLDR for reivent. Watch it or don’t but why down vote it? It’s relevant to a lot of our interests, hobbies, and careers.