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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • On one hand, the emergence of these technologies is pretty exciting from an evolution standpoint, and it points to the possibility of a bright future for humanity. On the other, unfortunately, most of these developments will be gatekept by billionaires with the implicit purpose of enriching the select few.

    Maybe one day we’ll all be able to benefit equilaterally.

  • It used to be that you didn’t need an email to sign up. The account I had before the API crap this summer didn’t have an email associated with it. Couple that with using an always on VPN browser anti-fingerprint measures, and you could theoretically maintain a reasonable degree of anonymity, assuming you don’t dox yourself. I assume a lot of this also has to do with users utilizing VPNs to circumvent band as well.

  • It certainly seems the tide is beginning to shift away from their insanity, but it’s still an uphill battle. There do seem to be at least a couple sensible conservatives that balk at the extreme rhetoric, but it’s hard to pin sometimes. Hopefully dems maintain the white house in 24, and then maybe we’ll see things start to move in a more sane direction on the conservative end. I’m not a huge fan of Biden by any means, but whatever it takes to keep Trump out of there.

  • https://www.congress.gov/118/bills/hres894/BILLS-118hres894ih.pdf

    Resolved, That the House of Representatives—
    (1) strongly condemns and denounces all instances of antisemitism occurring in the United States and globally;
    (2) reaffirms and reiterates its strong support for the Jewish community at home and abroad;
    (3) calls on elected officials and world leaders to condemn and fight all forms of domestic and global antisemitism;
    (4) clearly and firmly states that anti-Zionism is antisemitism; and
    (5) rejects all forms of terror, hate, discrimination, and harassment of members of the Jewish community

    While the statement in #4 is absolutely ridiculous, all this is is a resolution. It doesn’t outlaw anti-Israeli statements, it just condemns Hamas and support that isn’t for Israel, while calling for others to follow suit. It’s a strongly worded letter at best.

  • I believe it. I had meant to say in the previous comment that during the initial lockdowns and driving on the empty freeways, the Southern California skies were the absolute clearest I had ever seen them. While I’m sure industry is the largest emissions contributor, factories and plants are localized, whereas cars are absolutely everywhere and a huge cause of general smog. It’s bonkers that we have the means to reduce our emissions significantly by allowing and encouraging WFH, but muh profits and control.