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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Say what? Going back to only KVM in modern DCs is some crazy talk. If your org is small enough that KVM is even remotely an option, then I’d recommend running a cost/benefit analysis on whether hosting a small server farm on prem is even worthwhile.

    But when you’re managing hundreds of servers with dozens of various purposes, FOSS solutions aren’t always tenable. And not using a mature, feature complete virtualization platform is just straight up masochistic, not to mention potentially dangerous from a security standpoint.

    I agree that talent > solutions, but if you want to retain that talent, you have to make their lives not miserable at work, which means sometimes having to purchase solutions to make their lives easier.

  • Government IT worker here: IE was dropped off almost all DoD computers years ago when MS officially ceased support of it. Edge, Firefox, and Chrome come standard with the baseline image at most sites I’ve supported.

    I think this article is also pretty silly. We have scientists, engineers, accountants, logistics, etc. all using various web apps and sites. Rather than fuck around with installing a browser that may or may not be compatible with any of them, we had our image team blanket install Chrome and Firefox to avoid unnecessary tickets. Just because government websites may not require designers to be compatible with Firefox doesn’t mean anything for all those federal jobs that don’t only use government sites for work.

  • Sure, but again I think you’re underestimating just how enormous the US military industrial complex is. It’d take a notable percentage of mid to high ranking individuals to cause a significant amount of damage to the US’s military. You also have to consider the military isn’t just service members, but also civilians and contractors, so add in another few million people to that number.

    Jan 6th wasn’t even remotely close to Trump actually succeeding in his half-assed coup attempt. The only real danger during that election was from the conspicuous attempts from Trump to get states to overrule the election results, which has nothing to do with the military.

    I’m not saying this particular report isn’t concerning, I’m just saying it isn’t cause to become seriously worried for the future of the military’s allegiance to the constitution and their impact on the democratic process.