Goddammit, US news is going to spam every fucking community. Time to block this one before the deluge.
Not a bad thing at all. The more we communicate, the more we might actually find in common. It’s already happening with both sides realising how the government is restricting them in different ways.
We are going to start seeing a bunch of Chinese memes on the fediverse, aren’t we?
Mass Effect 3 looked quite polished during game-play - much better than ME1&2 - but the story was less engaging and just generally worse. I just imagine this to be in the same vein but turned up a notch.
I have an inkling that the next mass effect is going to be worse than all the ones that came before it. They’ll pump large amounts of money into it, make it beautiful, but the story will be dull, the missions repetitive, the worlds uninteresting, and probably they’ll add some kind of micro-transactions, a perma-online mode, and a “game pass”. Making it a prequel wouldn’t surprise me either.
If you willingly aren’t voting against the rich, you can get fucked, fucking class traitor.
Good idea. We need game awards that don’t just have AAA games winning all the time because they could spray the internet and real world with ads. They are mostly just flashy remakes of something with very few new elements aka no innovation, mostly bought because people were hyped into buying it.
First handhelds, then PCs, then laptops, then phones. Maybe, maybe, maybe we’ll finally see another OS take a big bite out of the OS market. Fuck Macs. They are a shit choice (unless you like being locked in).
Once VW collapses, Germany will be in a whole lot of trouble.
lmao… one of the sunniest countries on the planet is still huffing coal, yet its citizens complain about 3rd world countries polluting the world.
Most gamers: sweet, let me hand them my money!
I want to see a superman movie where he decides to fight white collar crime or starts kidnapping billionaires.
It’s a belief, not a trend.
Hmm… is this what could change space-flight? Imagine having a material that is nigh weighless when moving away from gravity but gains mass again when moving towards it. It would make it much more feasible to transport heavier stuff into space.
I mean, have you played games recently?
Use coal to pull carbon from the air. Makes total sense! /s
Title really doesn’t match the image. “be counterweight to USA” *shows pro US image*