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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 10th, 2024

  • Shame reddit didn’t have the same amount of people jump ship like when everyone left Digg 4.0.

    I am predicting the same outcome but it will be much slower, reddit will “evolve” into a different kind of platform, with likely more emphasis on promoted content. The reason the “MSN home page” model is copied everywhere is because it generates money and requires far less involvement and maintainence. Reddit haaaaaates their community, they would be so, so happy if they could roll the whole thing back to before people could comment.

    But they know that a lot of traffic comes from the engagement, so in order to better manage the community they are bringing in everyone’s favorite new buzzword techbro solution to all problems… AI. They have partnered with Google on using Reddit as a training platform for next generation AI models so we will likely see more and more submissions from users who look like people and talk like people, but are actually tools for advertising and pushing agendas. It will be slow enough that the platform holds a strong number of users but it will decline as users flood to other new AI-driven platforms.

    It’s going to be AI slop all the way down, in all directions.

  • For those out there who only read headlines, the short of it is that many Satanists are rarely actually worshipers of Satan like a deity, many of them are just proactive atheists who have adopted the most abhorrent religious identity possible to Christians to provide necessary pushback against attempts at making the USA a Christian nation.

    The same people who scream relentlessly about supporting the constitution for issues like gun control, seem just fine with abandoning the 1st amendment’s Establishment Clause and the Free Exercise Clauses. So Satanists are forcing Christians to declare their choices out loud. If you’re going to say the law should allow religion to be part of government, then you have to be fine with all religions being involved, OR you have to admit that you don’t respect the USA’s founding principles and documents. You can’t have it both ways.

    There is not so much Satanism being promoted here as much as a spotlight on hypocrisy and I’m all in for it.