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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • No! I don’t agree with Biden’s policy about Gaza and I want to punish him by pushing people not to vote for him or Trump. But it’s so wrong when this buffoon comes into power again. So I’ll bite my tongue and say the other party is worse. Even if that’s NOT the way to vote and it really diminishes minorities and representation.

    His fascism blew over to some/most European countries and that’s soooo bad. I even read some posts in Belgium about putting Muslims in camps ‘for their own safety’ because this POC made it normal for all the basement racists to come out of hiding. Just no…

    I just want him to die or disappear. Just vote him out so we can get back to real politics and what’s really important instead of this shit show. After you vote him out, THEN put pressure on Biden/Democrats to do better. It will be too late for Gazan children that are dying and dead tough…

  • Hey, don’t get the Muslims involved. Their god sanctions abortions (under specific circumstances, though over the years these have mostly evolved to: mother in danger, rape, child will be severely handicapped or the old, we don’t have the effing money for one more mouth to feed and may God forgive us and we won’t talk to anybody about it).

    That’s why it baffled me to see Canadian Muslims support their Christian counterparts to ban abortions.

    At this point, I have to say that they’ve never even read their books.