• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 22nd, 2023


  • How is this comment relevant to anything that’s been said anywhere here? No one has crucified Biden anywhere in this comment thread.

    I swear people are just running on scripts here and aren’t reading the comments to figure out if their script is applicable. First “Biden can’t do anything, it’s all Congress” when Biden wasn’t even being told to do anything and he currently IS doing something, then “what’s the alternative, don’t be critical of Biden” when again, no one has been critical of Biden.

  • I never said this was a thing Biden alone needed to do, so I’m not sure why you’re acting like I did.

    That said, there are lots of steps along the way where an administration can hold or reject transfers. We have various requirements and regulations and choices that reside in the executive well after “Congress approves X funding”. The whole reason this article even exists is because Biden put a stop to a transfer that had already been “approved” by Congress years ago. State Department approval also means a possible result is “State Department rejection”.

  • You literally didn’t read anything I wrote. Your chart is for a different thing than you claimed. You claimed most Americans support or don’t care, I gave you two polls, one where that exact question was asked and it was just flat out untrue (which you ignored completely), and a second one to demonstrate that even in more favorable splits it was only true if you care what Republicans think. You apparently weren’t put off by a direct poll answering the direct question you asked and figured digging into a related question in the poll that at least gave you a shot at sticking to your wrong statement was a totally important thing to do.

    “Do you support the president’s actions” is different than “do you approve of Israel in the conflict” with a whole lot of partisan defaulting and nothing in your wrong statement was about the president or about aid, not to mention “not sure” being an entirely different thing than “I don’t care”. This follow up trying to pretend people who think Israel is “going to far” isn’t the same as not supporting Israel in the conflict is just pathetic. Just fucking accept you were wrong and move on with your life rather than dedicating yourself to these sad follow-ups.

    This could have been a one line “oh, I guess it’s changed from when I last looked”. Or even nothing at all.

  • I can’t follow the ones and the others you’re intending or make sense of the point you’re trying to make.

    Biden reliably brought up antisemitism whenever talking about protests. This wasn’t Biden overestimating whether the public understood that anti-Zionism is different from anti-semitism. He did it on purpose because he wanted to smear them, because the protests are effectively against his actions (even though their short-term target was their schools) and he wanted the general public to think they’re illegitimate and a valid target for administration and police crackdowns. If he wanted to draw a clean distinction between criticism of Israel and hate against Jews, he would have.