Game developer and artist.

Spoken languages: Hu, En, some Jp

Programming languages: C, C++, D, C#, Java

Mastodon: @ZILtoid1991


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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Mixed with the attitude of Eric Cartman. Most of them aren’t even interested in their own well being, but instead how they can harm other people, even if they’re getting screwed over in the process. If I wrote a character in a book like that, I’d be trashed for writing yet another psychopath, but here we are with a lot of people that act like Hollywood psychopaths, that are voting, and even outside the US. Fidesz is pretty much being held in power by the utter sadism of a bunch of ultra-authoritarian people, even met some of these kind of people within the Polish far-right and some Israeli Netanyahu voters.