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Cake day: October 30th, 2024


  • a case that ‘they make poor games and thus it doesn’t matter that they’re laid off’

    Oh, not at all, it does matter they’re laid off. They make poor games because that’s all that they know, since companies like EA churn out blueprint made after blueprint made games with no spirit or excitement, built only to leverage the IPS they own (and other EA studios the same, DeadSpace3…). They basically adopted the FC strategy company-wide (except 3rd pty indie publishing) which has created a vacuum of talent and imagination. This situation has been evident for more than a decade. They acquire/absorb talented studios, get rid of those pesky expensive senior workers and milk the franchises to the ground. That’s the EA MO. Sadly, people joined Bioware hoping to get a successful AAA game on their resumé to bolster their chances at pursuing greener pastures, the gamble didn’t pan out. Good luck to them, especially non programming staff, since code monkeys find a much better job market than English majors. Also, it’s a travesti the lady who led DAV got canned. She had worked on Sims games before and was handed a shit hand to play with. At the end of the day, the whole Institutional Knowledge schtick is a misnomer because very little of it was present in the latest round of layoffs at Bioware, they’re assembly workers now. Doesn’t mean they are less important, just means the larian marketing guy is talking out of his arse for clout.

    That said, at the end of the day, the writing was on the wall. This goes for EA, Ubisoft, MS, et al. If you’re on the bottom, your arse is out the next time line goes down. Join a private studio instead, like Larian, they pay less but pay longer!

    Edit: Almost forgot, fuck John Riccitiello to the moon on a fucking rocket. Him and Don Matric are the main responsible people for the shit environment we have in the games industry today.

  • It was quite literally the reason why it hit 70k players, NVIDIA. cdpr, allegedly, got wads of money to become the tech demo for the green team, which made the red engine require an overhaul that killed its performance on old gen consoles. Nowadays it’s used as a benchmark. If you look at the player chart it peaked during CES and cratered back down to almost half of the 70k Tassi (aka mouthpiece) is touting. What really is a team worth exploring is how CDPR knowingly deceived millions of people, and thanks to the short memory of the Internet and (likely paid) puff pieces like this, has regenerated its image (and stock price) to a point that quite literally they got away with what they did and saw no consequences. It’s appalling that companies no longer pay when they cheat customers.

    This is also a strong message on media literacy. There’s two main types of bait, rage and circlejerk, Tassi enacted the second with this puff piece. A real journalist, would have looked at the average player count of the last few months and used that, but no, “journalist” Paul Tassi chose to make a point from a blip caused by an event that EVERYONE could be aware of and, “journalist” Paul Tassi, should be aware of. This is so disingenuous that it becomes a master class on how media influences people with distorting information.

    Edit: As another point, “journalist” Paul Tassi purposefully omits the genial Stardew Valley which usually clocks in close to double the playerbase of Cyberpunk (among over 10 single player games that overtake or compare, like FM, Don’t Starve, Terraria, RDR2, HoIIV, et al).

  • Wait, but we had recently a feature from PMG on YouTube showing how a significant portion of the art of devs like the coalition and Naughty Dog being contracted to sweatshops in Asia. So basically game development budgets are to pay a handful of talented programmers and the friends of the art and writing department while sweatshops do the work. Mega lol, we have bay area entitled shitheads playing ping pong in the office and adoring Elon while costing millions while the people who do the work are getting abused across the planet…