
I’m a nonbinary Canadian Blender artist! You can find my work here: Galleries, commissions, prints, and more!


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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • She also highlighted that Meta has not shown compliance with the orders set by Ireland’s Data Protection Act (IE DPA) last year.

    Because getting caught and fined a couple million isn’t even a minor business expense to these companies. Stop acting surprised when they don’t follow your rules when you fine them 0.007% of their yearly profits.


    Despite this, Facebook and Instagram remained operational in Norway, where EU data protection laws prohibit such advertising practices. The platforms faced a daily fine of one million Norwegian kroner (around €89,000).

    Their bean counters probably laughed out loud when they were told about this, and I wouldn’t blame them. This is a joke. They probably spend more on toilet paper for their office workers. Meta has nearly 200 BILLION (with a B!) in assets. Treat them like it.

  • And tossing a Wikipedia quote at me doesn’t make what I said incorrect, either. Google allows (and has) numerous third-party app stores on their devices, some of which are completely free. The app store that Google themselves operate also has lower fees and looser restrictions than Apple’s own store. Android is also an open-source platform that allows sideloading of thirdparty applications. Most device manufacturers heavily modify it to suit their needs.

    Anecdotally: I have used Android phones for most of my smartphone-owning life and have recently been using iPhones for the past few years. Apple’s app situation is an absolute joke. It is so incredibly expensive and locked down that the app store is almost completely useless unless you are ok with paying monthly sub fees for even the most basic of apps. Apple is literally fighting a court battle with the EU right now over their app store in which the court branded it as a monopolized service.