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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • Threads is Meta, one of the largest corporate enshitifiers on the internet - the crap most of us fled from that landed us in the fediverse in the first place.

    …it’s userbase is a relative ocean compared to the fediverse’s drop, so the immediate concern is being able to moderate the tsunami of submissions; the long term concern is that things go peachy at first and the fediverse becomes so intertwined with Meta that it becomes functionally dependent on it… and then Meta decides to pull the plug, effectively destroying the parts of the fediverse that didn’t defederate right out of the gate. This is called “EEE” or “embrace, extend, extinguish” as others have mentioned in this thread. It’s a shitty thing bigger tech can do to destroy budding competition before it has a chance to become actual competition. Google has a history of it, and a lot of folks here naively think Meta will for some reason handle things more ethically.

  • Putin can end the war any minute. That’s what I’d like. But he won’t.

    Failing that, enabling Ukraine to defend itself is the next best option. That’s what I’d like. But republicans are doing their evil shit again and blocking that route.

    All of the remaining options are shit. If you don’t like what I’m proposing, dude I’m with you: I don’t like it either. This whole situation is horrible, and it’s shameful as fuck that we have politicians here in the US that are hell-bent on enabling Putin.

    …but what’s left to do? Throw our hands up and say “gg republicans, you outplayed us! Putin, Ukraine’s all yours!”?

  • Speaking as a vet - I understand the implication. I also understand the implication of just letting Russia decimate other countries without consequence. Families are being murdered on your chess board right now whether or not they fly our colors. Russia is currently in a severely weakened state, so a full military response from the US and hopefully our allies would end the war practically over night.

    The best option is for Russia to pull out on its own - that’s not going to happen. The second best option is for Ukraine to defend itself in a manner effective enough to force Russia to withdraw - republicans are blocking that. The third best option is for the rest of the world to step in to swiftly end wars of aggression.

    The worst thing we can do is show Russia that the threat of escalation is enough to give them a free pass to just wipe other countries off the map.