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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • Having gone through a lot of death in my early life, including the death of a parent, I can relate. The reverberations and consequences of that trauma can have far reaching affects that you really subconsciously internalize, and often aren’t able to deal with until much later. Only now, in my 30’s, am I starting to really understand the complexities of how my childhood affected me.

    With that being said: Hunter Biden was DEFINITELY the product of nepotism that afforded him the opportunity to indulge his hedonistic tendencies in an attempt to avoid the pain of his trauma, and he likewise bears the responsibility for his unethical actions as we all do.

    However, I think it is also quite clear that what is being done to Hunter is a direct attempt at using the judicial system in order to manufacture a false equivalency between the soft-corruption of Hunter Biden and the MASSIVE corruption of Donald Trump et al., which is obviously patently absurd. Hunter is not an elected official, and him falling on his sword will only serve to weaken Biden both personally and politically which is exactly what the fascists in the GOP are counting on.

  • Seriously, imagine being so fucking stupid, self-entitled, and scientifically illiterate that you cannot accept the brutality of the real world where fetuses can have genetic defects that make them non-viable. I’m not even surprised anymore by the sheer level of willful stupidity and back-bending these fucking morons will go to in order to satisfy the infantile fantasies of their supporters.

    In a just world all the women Ken Paxton has caused life-long pain and suffering would be allowed to slowly slice off his genitals with a mandoline or a zester.

  • I think I did actually misread a bit of what you wrote initially. I originally took your comment as you saying that you thought it was unlikely he could stop stepping on his own dick long enough to actually institute tin-pot authoritarianism. After re-reading both your comments I do believe you understand the threat that we are facing. So, forgive me there for misunderstanding your position.

    However, the part that scares me the most is the fact that all these legal proceedings are going to turn him into a cornered animal. Every vindictive, vitriolic, nihilistic, violent part of him is going to be ratcheted up to a truly unhinged level that I believe will fracture his personality. Once he is made to feel vulnerable he will lash out at everything and everyone that made him have to go through one fucking second of cognitive dissonance.

    The most dangerous people are the ones who are capable of being truly dishonest with themselves.