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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2023


  • I’m gonna be generous and assume you just don’t know how the American system of voting actually works.

    When it’s down to the presidential election, you get two choices. You either vote for the major candidate you hate the least, or any other vote is numerically the same as voting for the one you hate the most. That’s it. Once it’s down to the General Election, it really is the lesser of two evils. Third party voting is just one more vote your “enemy” doesn’t have to overcome.

    If you actually want change, the time to push for it is in the primary election at the latest, and getting one of the two viable parties to replace their sitting president as candidate instead of voting them in for a second term is also just never going to happen.

    This isn’t complacency or comfort or laziness, this is math and the rules of the system.

  • Pretty much. I understand the impulse to think he has to have some secret plan, some rational explanation for his behavior. I used to think the same thing, that there was some way he would actually make money from destroying the company, but no. No, he’s just an impetuous, impulsive idiot who tricked himself into having to buy the company at meme stock prices, and is going to burn the whole thing to the ground purely because he is, in fact, a dumbass.

  • It’s less likely to be because they’ve “come around” and like him, and more because if they can’t keep make him the Republican candidate on the ballot, there’s zero chance of them beating Biden.

    If Trump isn’t the Republican candidate, then enough of the hardcore MAGAts will either write him in or just not bother voting to pretty much hand Democrats an easy win. On top of that, Trump is exactly the sort of person who, if not made the Republican candidate, very well might run anyway as a third party, splitting the Republican votes even more dramatically and once again ensuring Biden wins.

    These Republican donors, even if they “soured” on him after 2020 and Jan 6, would rather have an unstable, idiotic, treasonous narcissist as their president, rather than Biden.

    Edit: Clarity

  • The important thing to recognize is that the time for fixing things, the time to nominate better people, the time to get out ahead of these problems, is BEFORE the general election. You need to get active to get those better people onto the general election ballot, because once it’s down to the last vote, one or the other for president, it’s too late to “break the cycle.” At that point, the ship has sailed and the cycle is already going around for another lap.

    When it comes to the general election, any vote not for your preferred candidate from the two parties, is instead a vote for your least preferred. If you haven’t gotten your “Better people” onto the ballot as the candidate for one of the two established parties, then you need to bite the bullet and vote for damage control. With America’s voting system, there will only, CAN only ever be two candidates with any chance of winning. We can change who ends up on the ballot, or we can change the voting system itself, but protest votes in the general election accomplish nothing but self harm.