• 2 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: August 20th, 2023


  • It’s not toothless. There is an existing law that allows the government to issue their own licenses for drugs still under patent developed using at least some amount of tax payer money under certain circumstances. It’s pretty broadly worded in the law when this can be done, so previously regulations were made to define the circumstances more precisely. The administration is issuing a new regulation that says one of those circumstances will now include if the drug is high priced limiting its access. Because new regulations issued by the executive branch have a mandatory public comment period after they are proposed before they take effect, its not active quite yet but will be soon (that’s why every headline about this is using the dumb vague word of threaten). The drug companies are already promising to sue to try and overturn the new regulation. So yeah it’s got teeth.

  • That’s what they’re doing! They are announcing a new executive department regulation about implementation of a specific law. You have to propose the regulation first. A public comment period and other mandatory things have to follow. The regulation they’re proposing is that they will also consider high drug prices and gouging by pharmaceuticals in their decision making on whether to over ride patent rights. Previously this was not a regulation, so they can not do it right now. Once the regulation is in place, then they can start taking specific actions on drug companies. If they just start doing shit willy nilly without going through the process of new regulations, it’ll just get struck down by the courts in a nanosecond. That’s why a lot of the dumb horrible crap trump tried to do got struck down well before Biden even took office.

  • I can add more, we don’t only have five senses. Elementary school propoganda that is. Here’s all the ones I can think of while driving.

    1. Vision
    2. Hearing
    3. Tactile feedback from wheel, pedals, you could break this down further into skin tactile pressure receptors, and also receptors of muscle tension, though muscle tension and stretching receptors also involved in number 4
    4. Proprioception, where your limbs and body are in space
    5. Rotational acceleration (semi circular canals)
    6. Linear acceleration (utricle and saccule)
    7. Smell, okay this might be a stretch but, some engine issues can be smelly

    And that doesn’t even consider higher order processing and actual integration of all these things which despite all it’s gains with Ai recently can’t match all the capabilities of the brain to integrate all that information or deal with novel stimuli. Point is Elon, add more sensors to your dang cars so they’re less likely to kill people. And people aren’t even perfect at driving, why would we limit it to only our senses anyways? So dumb

  • I think you could argue since it says “other than the mother” and the mother is the one electing to have it done, this law does not ban an elective abortion initiated by the mother. I think the section 5 provisions would still be necessary in this reading. Let’s say a pregnant person is critically ill and unable to give consent for an abortion procedure. If a physician went ahead and performed the abortion without consent, even though necessary to save their life, without that provision in the law it would be a felony for them to do so. The 2 physicians agreeing it is necessary is similar to many other laws about performing medical procedures without consent. They’re often written like that to help protect physicians performing life saving procedures in emergency settings when obtaining consent for a procedure isn’t feasible. However IANAL. And have no idea what happened to sections 3 and 4 either, haha.

  • They did show it, it’s just slightly confusing. He retweeted (or retruthed it’s apparently called on truth social) that guy Cory Mills. So in the story where they show the post from Cory Mills and the Washington post article below, that’s the entry from trump’s account of trump retweeting it. Cory Mills is just the original person who shared the article, then Trump reshared the post about Cory Mills sharing that article. Whoever made the story cropped out a slight thing that’s above that where it says “Donald J trump retruthed” this, would have been less confusing if they left that in. He often does it this way with the most controversial stuff and calls to violence and things, so he can falsely claim “I never shared that.” He thinks retweeting doesn’t count.

    Here’s his truth social account if you want to scroll down just a bit and see for yourself. Get some eye bleach and brain bleach ready after trying to read that mess though, ugh. https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump

  • Don’t vote Democrat, vote third party I hear! Me, I’m like well with first past the post voting this is impractical and could help empower fascists to take over, but let’s see what options we got.

    /opens box of third party candidates, before gently closing it and walking away

    Yeah no, Biden still best option, these guys are nutters. It makes sense though, a sensible candidate would run in the democratic primaries, rather than hurting their own purported causes by running in the general in a first past the post election. It’s why you saw Bernie Sanders, an independent, running in the democratic primary, and not out there helping to siphon votes to fascists by running as a third party in the general against Biden.

    Anyways, let’s focus on continuing to empower politicians that want to improve our voting system (usually has been democrats, though with an exception in Alaska). This starts at the local level, but we’re getting more and more federal offices now with ranked choice voting. Once you have that, then better quality third party candidates will follow, knowing they can fairly safely run without harming their own causes.

  • Yeah that’s what I’m saying, it’s a pretext. Initially we wanted to pretend we weren’t giving aid to the allies in WWII. Though it’d be inaccurate to say it never hits the books. Portions of it were repaid after WWII. You’d still need another act to forgive that debt though, as far as I’m aware there’s no provision in the law for the president to unilaterally forgive the debt. So you’d have to ask congress, and be right back where you started. And why go through all the hoops? Just allot the aid instead of hurting Ukraine’s credit for no reason for a while if you’re planning on eventually forgiving it. It’d still be nice to have the option to kind of paper over any funding gaps like what’s happening right now, shame that now is when it’s expired otherwise they could be using it as a stop gap. But I suspect that’s why the Republicans chose now.