Prethoryn Overmind


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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • “Discord is quickly becoming a dying service the way Skype did.” I love an opinion and skimmed through what you said but I basically quit taking this comment seriously from the first sentence on. That is because that is the Lemmy mentality. I don’t know what you are smoking, reading, seeing. But the, "it’s a dying service absolutely so far off the truth. I mean have you been keeping up with Discord. Yeah, it’s not fucking dying. It is quite literally growing and keeps continuing to do so. It is easily one of the most successfully growing platforms. When Facebook tries to copy your work, Treehouse, etc and none can quite get you then yeah, you are doing just fine. Ads haven’t killed Facebook.

    Also, ads aren’t what killed Skype. What killed Skype is that it was an actually shit product/platform. I can’t remember a single damn ad using Skype because it was shit for video chatting.

    “You can’t watch YouTube videos together because you can’t sign in and there are ads.” Yeah that is not why we don’t watch videos on discord. I don’t watch videos on Discord because my friends just don’t want to and ads aren’t the reason why. I would say people probably use the feature even with ads.

    Also, I think you really missed the privacy part entirely and should read again. There is concern with privacy and there is acknowledgement with the privacy front hence the attempt to use more private products like Element. I appreciate the lesson though.

    I am all for discussing but your comments are entirely the comments I am referring to on Lemmy. It’s not informative it’s a bubble that Lemmy users live in no differently than Reddit users. The forefront thought that because their are ads and people pay for things that their opinion on what makes something bad is clearly why something is suddenly dying. There is far more evidence to suggest, hell even support, that Discord is not dying. However, because there are ads, it’s a dying platform and that is the Lemmy mentality. Product bad because ads. Ads have been around for years and have progressively gotten worse and Chrome is quite literally still the most used and successful browser. I like to call it the deniability factor on Lemmy. The in denial that products that we don’t want users to continue using are still winning people’s usage and that Google is going to topple over any day because we are right and ads bad and privacy. The average consumer doesn’t care if they did Firefox would be doing better than Chrome.

    It’s not that your points are invalid, irrelevant, or not true or don’t hold some some honesty that I wish people took more interest in. It’s that Discord is a working product and somehow users on Lemmy just can’t wrap their brains around the fact people keep using products that they think are bad or that people like me even attempt the other side and have both privacy centric apps and the opposite and still prefer the opposite.

  • Just curious. I have Signal, Element (FOSS version of Discord), GroupMe, Slack, Snapchat, Messenger, I have tried WhatsApp, Guilded, Telegram. I have tried a sleuth of messaging apps over the years from Web based, to niche apps that don’t exist anymore, things that would let you message users around the world. I have even tried things like taste buds and app for users with specific tastes in music.

    No matter what the case I find I prefer Discord. All of my groups and communities are there. I am 28 and my friends and being weird kids at heart use things like Discords soundboard for stupid annoying sounds, to stream our gameplay, and to even venture out to our own communities for things we love. Point being Discord has had all of what I personally want and enjoy for years and more. I mean I loved Google Plus when it was around because of the communities. I use Reddit because of the communities for things I enjoy and I wish Lemmy had more of them for that matter.

    My only question being, what do you think they need more off to already be better than the platform most people consider the best? Encryption? Not to charge money for subs? It’s not that Discord can’t get better. It’s that I end up on Lemmy looking for alternatives and see comments like this and people will talk about FOSS, cool I found things like amephyst and Element for my fill of FOSS apps. Even down to niche FOSS apps that I love for other things Lemmy has provided but there are apps like Discord that FOSS apps still don’t fill every need for me no matter how hard I try to pull myself away from these massive companies.

    I will make comments on Lemmy, knowing where I am at. Saying things like this and saying I am okay with spending money on things I enjoy and don’t mind continuing to do so but it is usually met with comments like, “what is wrong with you.” To the point my comments and posts have either tried to bring up valid call outs that some Lemmy users don’t disagree with or me just stating we are all different and don’t have to like what others like.

    I am not in disagreement with our data being hogged, our private lives being at risk and not am I opposed to try different methods and even still use methods like Mullvad, Proton products, Tor, etc.

    Yet no matter how much I try these products the separate Duck address accounts I have, Firefox, etc. I still primarily use Chrome, Google, Discord. Because despite the hate and reasonable hate mind you. Those products provide what I want and work better for me for regular use and certain FOSS or even competing apps just don’t do that for me. Yet there are always comments like yours, “they need to try harder.” Just vague statements made to justify some personal belief that these companies will rupture and fall apart but they are still successful and they doing exactly what you are saying they should do, trying harder.

    I don’t mean to poke or prod, start and argument because it will end in one with someone on here which just pushes users like me looking for answers farther away because I want to have discussion but turn to just that more than likely on Lemmy. I just don’t know what Lemmy users want or think they are getting at by making statements like this?

  • Bro, I don’t entirely disagree with this sentiment but I would argue that open source isn’t always great despite how anyone feels about it. Unless you are categorizing open source with indie games. In my experience open source games are typically not great in the slightest at all. However, I agree with this sentiment if open source is being referenced to indie games. A game doesn’t really have to be FOSS to be great.

    The issue isn’t really games like Assassin’s Creed either the issue is big companies. Assassin’s Creed isn’t my game but I hear the newer ones are good. Assassin’s Creed wouldn’t need to be open source to be good.

  • Lemmy users: “they should be best down. That would solve our problems.”

    We should probably be pointing fingers at the legal system in the U.S. for taking no kind of legal action or executive actions to change laws. Facebook and Google can get away with what the laws don’t prohibit. Europe is a good example these days that tech giants don’t make the rules and enough pressure and changes can force their hands because in the end they want to exist to make money.

  • “it doesn’t say giant tech platforms have the right to make money off of it.”

    I am not defending what meta is doing but there is literally more evidence to suggest big tech can do what they want because there are no laws that say they can’t make money off of it. You can be upset all you want but blame the system for not putting restrictions in place for platforms getting away with doing these things. Bitching about Google and Facebook being evil doesn’t do anything. Unless something legally and lawfully changes nothing is going to change.

  • I used to have a buddy that said, “tell me the difference between an anarchist and a libertarian.” When I would ask what or someone would as a what. He would say, “Libertarians are just anarchists in denial.”

    Despite what you think the values are not entirely far off and both are kind of silly one believes in the government not interfering with your business until that government isn’t supporting what they want it to support.

    The other says, “I don’t want the government interfering with my business or anything at all until someone wants to run the portion the government can’t to support what the government wasn’t supporting for them.”