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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023

  • Sorry, let me rephrase: it’s a manufactured reality. I’m not denying that it’s one that’s been sold as “the real” one, but at the end of the day it’s all manufactured and presents a false dichotomy which is only “real” because the people have been told that it is such and have accepted it. We can conceive of better and more rational systems. And I would argue it’s on us to do so and to push back against these false dichotomies

  • If you’re at the point where you’re ok with your tax dollars going toward funding and sanctioning indiscriminate genocide in Palestine in order to get around a political issue where the opposite side’s pitch is to let the Russian war and genocide against Ukraine get out of hand if you don’t bless the other genocide…then wtf are we doing? Just trading genocides to score fucking political points. Is that “compromise”? Absolutely fuck that shit. It’s possible to completely stop all funding to Israel until they stop and redirect those resources and funding to Ukraine where they’re actually fighting for their land and country. Our political fulcrum has been fucked in this country.