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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: November 21st, 2024


  • Wall of text incoming, sorry, I get anxious trying to explain myself and I ramble 😅

    My specific situation is that I have serious trouble organising myself (planning and acting on plans) due to mental health and I am chronically exhausted. I’m on disability because of these and some other issues.

    I can’t find affordable loose-leaf tea in any store nearby. Ordering something I need regularly online is difficult because I need to remember that I need to do it and then also do it. I know it sounds weird to someone who doesn’t have that problem but it’s just far easier to just go to one supermarket, once a week, and get all the stuff that I’m going to need (and even that isn’t easy when you’re exhausted simply from existing). Add to that decision fatigue where I get thoroughly overwhelmed by the sheer number of options when online shopping - I actually like having just a handful of options because it makes deciding a lot less exhausting. (I also wouldn’t know where to get affordable tea online that isn’t amazon and I’m trying to avoid that but that’s a different topic)

    It’s not the manipulation of tea bags that’s difficult for me, I fortunately don’t have problems using my hands other than being clumsy because I don’t pay attention.

    Tea bags:

    • get tea bags
    • put tea bags in thermos
    • pour water in thermos
    • throw tea bags out
    • drink tea
    • wash cup
    • done

    I do actually own a tea infuser ball and a reusable tea bag and there’s more steps involved, including having to clean them. I used each a couple of times and then I just couldn’t do it anymore because the thought of going through these steps was overwhelming.

    • measure out tea
    • try not to spill half the tea all over the counter causing more work (!)
    • put tea bag in thermos
    • pour water in thermos
    • take out tea bag
    • clean tea leaves out of tea bag, thoroughly, because tea leaves cling to the bag
    • clean the bag of tea residue
    • hang bag up to dry

    What ends up happening is that I just want to drink my tea and even the maybe 5 minutes it would take to clean the thing are too much. So I leave the used tea bag lying somewhere, I forget that I have to clean it, and it takes me days to remember - worst case scenario is the tea starts getting mouldy in the bag. Even if I remember, I can’t work up the energy to clean the thing so I postpone it (and don’t drink tea in the meantime).

    Sidenote: I have a Huel subscription because if that package didn’t arrive like magic on my doorstep every two months, I regularly wouldn’t eat anything but toast for days because everything else is more than two steps and thus too much.

    I know it’s not like anyone is asking me to run a marathon and I feel silly just typing all this. I’m the first person in line to chastise myself because I just have to pull myself together a bit and stop being lazy and get over myself and I have the hardest time accepting that I am ill. If tea bags ceased to exist tomorrow, I suppose I could deal. As it is, they are a small thing making one small act a little easier, adding to a bunch of other small things that are inconsequential on their own but make small acts a little easier so I can feel like half a person.

  • Word of caution: an entire NAS may be a bit of overkill if it’s JUST to get pictures from one device to another. Also consider that, if you get a small, cheap one, you may be tempted to tinker around with what else it can do - which will quickly become frustrating (“If only I had invested a LITTLE more, look at all the shiny fancy things I could do with it!”). Yes, I speak from experience (Synology DS 720+).

  • Fortress (Christopher Lambert, but more importantly Jeffrey Combs <3) - set in an evil corporate prison in the distant future of 2017. A dumb little dystopian science fiction thing with some fun ideas and people who wanted to make a decent movie. Interesting villain, interesting (for the time) female protag. Stuart Gordon rarely disappoints. Several naked penises on new arrival prisoners.

    Fortress 2 (Christopher Lambert, no Jeffrey Combs :(, no Stuart Gordon) - set on an evil corporate prison space station because why the fuck not. Dumb and generic and half-hearted and full of nonsense. Just fucking set it on an asteroid and half of the movie’s problems are solved. New prisoners are now apparently allowed undies.