Don’t you mean relative decline?
Don’t you mean relative decline?
There is no fascism without dictatorship.
I’m sorry. I realized in a comment below that one its very useful for governments/militaries and corporations.
This will be useful for militaries and corporations, not consumers. If it can’t work anywhere (or over a VPN, or wirelessly, etc.) It won’t work.
A quantum internet could enable any two users to establish almost unbreakable cryptographic keys to protect sensitive information
We can already do that dumbass.
Yes its called not gas powered.
You’d think an LGBTQ site would have an “opt”-out process beffer than selecting a checkbox, then pressing a button, then toggling off every option manually, then clicking save.
Well, the storage device should handle that then. And modern NVMEs do. Self-encrypted drives are used to hide deleted information from an attacker that desolders the storage chips.
The OS should never let that happen. It always should abstract the partition into a filesystem.
Just use AirGuard
They ‘slammed’ it? Did they also space jam it?
Apple is fascist.
What’s even the difference
It expired
Well, peoples’ ages change every year (which is why you hesitate when someone asks you your age) but bro didn’t just hesitate.
Actually no. If I am standing still and people move past me, I’m not moving backwards.