If you see me somewhere please let me know. I’ve no idea where I went.

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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Jackie's FridgetoTechnology@lemmy.worldtube tester
    135 months ago

    Found an EMC Model 213 tube tester at a thrift shop this summer. It’s a cute little portable unit in a fabric covered hard case, from about the early 60s. Useless without the chart (typeset on a literal typewriter) that tells you how to set the row of 12 switches & three knobs that dial in the proper test for each type of tube. Luckily I found a scan online!

  • The US is getting more stupid and polarised as school funding is diverted and people sign their heels in against civil discourse. It will be a long time before it is run by normal people.

    I wouldn’t cry if guns were banned entirely, but given the culture the US population has been sold for generations, common sense gun control that works handily in other countries simply won’t work in the US. We’re not wired that way.

    The best chance we have is pulling the tug o’ war rope as hard as possible just to maintain the status quo. We’re not fighting for reform, we’re fighting not to backslide.

  • Dems tend to be easier to sway and/or embarrass into doing the right thing. They don’t have a struct plan, message, or even the party cohesion that the GOP has, so progressives need to do that for them.

    It’s not enough to vote in a presidential election. Vote in every local election. Get progressives on school boards, elect progressive county execs, get progressives stuffed into every corner of local politics, because that’s where we brew future state & national candidates.

    By the time we get to the presidency these days, we only have two options: radical right-wingers and centre-right. We need to have local and state reps who can pull out options farther left.

    That is going to take a long time and a lot of concentration, effort, and participation from a lot of people. Presidentially, right now, we need to put out the engine fire before we can start repairing the car and actually get somewhere. If that means holding our nose when we vote for a lesser evil, that’s what we do. But then we have to keep our eyes on the goal.

  • Well I will agree that one of us does not have a grasp on logical fallacies.

    People do not NEED to know the textbook definition of an assault rifle to know that a weapon designed for maximum carnage should be regulated. You also don’t NEED to hear an accurate reference to a specific weapon to understand their argument. You know what they mean.

    By outright dismissing them because they haven’t defined a term to your satisfaction, you are not engaging in good faith.

    If you really were interested in discussion, you would respond to establish a standard definition and then, based on that definition, provide your counter argument.