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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: August 27th, 2023


  • I have mentioned in an other comment that I am in no way pro-hamas nor do I condone their action, I just see Israel as the greater evil and instigator.

    It is not a lie to say Israel doesn’t care about the hostages when they are clearly more interested in the destruction of Palestine.

    I think it’s clear rhetoric when you and the other poster mindlessly call me a liar.

    Refute my point, how are their actions condusive to a safe return of the hostages? They are literally just killing civilians and journalists. Even the released hostages said they feared getting bombed.

    The difference in military might makes any talk of cease fire nothing but postering. It’s not a cease fire, it’s a 6 day break before going right back to slaughter. There was a path that was open to Israel that would have minimized civilian deaths but they chose to go the opposite way as hard as they could.

    And this is just the past few weeks, to say nothing of the past decade or two.

  • I’m implying they are postering, clearly they at least have to pretend they care and that this isn’t about stealing land and displacing a population.

    Their actions betray their true intentions.

    And even if they did care and I’m completely wrong, sending missiles straight into civilian populations is an unacceptable and seriously inefficient way of going about the rescue of hostages.

    But seeing as how we are talking about an apartheid state that has a long history of abuse, I’m guessing the bombing of women and children is being done maliciously.

  • I said that there was no negotiation because Israel never cared about it’s hostages and that getting them back wasn’t an actual goal of theirs, not that they don’t exist.

    And before you send more rhetoric my way, I do not support Hamas. I consider both parties evil, only Hamas is more the rabid dog backed in the corner evil while the Israel government is more of a calculating genocidal evil. Also, Israel in this analogy is the one that beat the shit out of the dog to make sure it’s as violent as possible.

  • I’ve never seen anyone get accused of attacking Asians for such a thing but I’ve seen “Chinese propaganda” to dismiss comments often.

    I think the main discussion right now is that western car companies are stalling the transition out of greed and getting the government to help them by banning the competition. This seems like oil company meddling to me.

    Your hate boner is causing you to completely miss the picture. For all this talk about propaganda, you are literally spewing out oil industry talking points.

  • It would be nice if the above statistic mentioned the ratio of Tesla’s compared to other cars. If 90% of cars with autopilot are trslas but they only account for 70% of crashes, that’s a good thing. There’s also the problem with wording, driving assist does includes a lot more than just a fully self driving car.

    But the only important statistic is how likely a self driving car is to get into an accident compared to a human driver.

    People really have to learn to seperate the tech from the man. Elon Musk is a piece of shit, that doesn’t mean everything he has his hand in is. Self driving cars are cool as fuck and if they aren’t safer than human drivers atm, they clearly quickly will be.

  • Models don’t take from individual people specifically like that, it’s an amalgam of hundreds of thousands of snippets.

    It would add insane fee to the process and probably gimp the tech, all that to pay off a few publishers and youtube (the actors wouldn’t get any of the actual money)

    Imagine how bad and expensive translation apps would be if they had to pay every publishing house that owned translated works used to build the system.