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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • Linux if you’re prepared to support it entirely yourself

    What does this even mean? The most work caused in administering my company’s IT comes from destructive patches from Microsoft. Just like a month ago they released a security patch that caused the domain controller to not reboot which is pretty much the worst thing you can run into aside outright malicious actors (not sure Microsoft doesn’t count as one). So I had to “support” users by rolling back untested shit until a hotfix was released.

    My private setup runs exclusively on Linux. Patches also sometimes cause trouble but it’s just as infrequent and less destructive if it happens.

    It’s really not that different from an admin point of view but it’s not Linux’ business model to snoop on or extort you or to force proprietary hardware on you because sEcUrItY.

  • fair pay for fair work

    Sure but what’s fair? As you described, the work did change considerably. Translating from scratch is much more work and also much harder than fixing a mostly ok output. It would not be fair to pay both jobs the same amount since the latter can be done by people with less expertise/education.

    Eventually, AI output won’t need any human editing at all. What then? Resisting change driven by technology is understandable from the individual perspective but it has always been doomed to fail. You know that “computer” used to be a job title?