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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • And don’t forget that GM is now in full control of which features become available in different models of car. No more pesky Apple or Google giving users new features for free; GM gets to plan the obsolescence now, and charge subscription fees for features and updates.

    And they get to rake it in on both ends, charging their “partners” for access to the app ecosystem and prominent UI placement, the same way TV makers do (I have a dedicated IHeartRadio button on my TV remote, and I guarantee you it’s not because any TV users ever asked for that). They might not be doing it yet, but it is the natural direction.

    Of course they will still face competition from dashboard phone mounts, which I suspect a lot of users will prefer in the end.

  • In podcasts, where I can’t block ads effectively, I will instantly skip any canned ads and even avoid podcasts that have too many canned ads. On the other hand, when podcast hosts do their own ad reads, it doesn’t bother me too much. In the best cases, they are funny enough that I feel like I’m missing out with the ad-free premium feeds (I subscribe to some podcast Patreons).

    I also don’t really mind sponsored segments from YouTube hosts, though it’s highly dependent on the content. Most of the channels I follow have ad reads that are reasonably well aligned with the content and tone. In some cases, they are actually useful. I still run SponsorBlock, but I do often read through the video descriptions of my favorite channels to see what they’re hocking.

    There is no imaginable scenario where I would tolerate hypercheerful actors talking about insurance or cars. Get outta town.

  • I use Signal because there are few viable alternatives, but I absolutely hate that it requires a phone number at all. Nothing should require a phone number, much less use it as a primary account ID. Phone numbers are not user IDs. They do not belong to users, they can be reassigned to different people by third parties, they are frequently controlled by corporations with horrible security practices.

    Ironically, iMessage is much better in this regard. You can actually use it with just an Apple ID, which does not require a phone number, only an email address.

    It sounds like Signal will still require a phone number but merely allow you to hide it. That’s a big improvement, but still bad.