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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • There is a clear and pervasive difference in the way extremism manifests in the Right vs Left, and both sides are not the same…

    You ought to read this section from a blog post I published today that pertains to this very subject.


    In a study evaluating Left-Wing and Right-Wing domestic extremism between 1994 and 2020, there was one fatality as the result of Left-Wing extremism, versus 329 fatalities resulting from Far Right extremism in that 25 year period. [5]

    The Far-Right movement is the oldest and most deadly form of domestic terrorism in the United States, and … the Far-Right is responsible for 98% of extremist murders in the U.S. [24] Furthermore, for nearly every year since 2011, Far-Right terrorist attacks/plots have accounted for over half of all terror attacks/plots in the United States. [21]

    In the U.S., Right-Wing extremism was responsible for two-thirds of all failed, foiled, or successful terror attacks in 2019, and was responsible for 90% of attacks in the first half of 2020 alone. [21] Since 2013, Far-Right extremism has been responsible for more terror attacks/plots than the Left-Wing, ethnonationalism, or religiously motivated attacks/plots. [21]

    Again, this is from this article I have written and you can follow the citations. I have ads turned off and don’t benefit in any way from this blog.

  • Yeah I regret not voting for her over trump, but I viewed both of them as trash candidates. The DNC corruption to support her over Bernie left me bitter and I couldn’t stomach casting a vote for a chronic lying career politician in the pocket of the banks.

    I have never been a Biden fan either, viewing him as a career politician who was always regarded as a centrist (e.g., drug policy) before the political spectrum went full tilt to the right. But I happily voted for Biden over trump and will vote for any candidate over him. I can also acknowledge the good Biden’s presidency has done.

    But Hillary Clinton is the biggest reason trump won. She is so unlikable and far from a progressive or honest politician. I would’ve voted for any other dem candidate back in 2016. It was the first election I could vote in, but I abstained when my decision was between a giant douche and a shit sandwich. Most people I knew in college at the time felt the same way. She never had the support of young adults.

    As much as I hated the trump presidency, at the same time, I was selfishly satisfied seeing her lose after the DNC/Debbie Wasserman Schultz scandal and Hillary Clinton’s pompous, obnoxious entitlement and “It’s my turn!” mentality. Let’s not forget that she and Bill Clinton were also friends with epstein and trump, and were in the same social circles before the 2016 run…

  • I don’t disagree with OP’s personal take that they added to the post body, but I really think that’s a bad practice…

    It’s one thing when someone links an excerpt from the article they are posting, which is commonplace. But the post body absolutely should not be for the user’s subjective take, especially when the common practice is to quote the article. It muddies the waters and can be unclear who the author is (user or article).

    Comments like OP made should be in the comments section where they belong. Anyone remember how r/Askreddit had to change the rules/automod because users would ask a question just to make a long story text post?

    Comments should stay in the comments section for news communities like this. The only exception should be posts with many links/megathreads.

    I’ve also seen users state things in the post body that contradict the article they posted. I think there should be a rule added to stop this practice. If your personal take has merit, it’ll be upvoted in the comments. It’s vain and problematic to put it in the post body IMO.

  • This tends to be an unpopular opinion, but I completely agree. I believe it’s unethical to do experiments like this on animals that cannot consent, but have a clear capacity for suffering, including on a conscious level.

    Even lab rats show a capacity for empathy [1], and they will stop pulling a lever to feed themselves if they see the rat in the subsequent cage is electrocuted. [2]

    Monkeys (and other animals) can understand the concept inequality. [3] Inequality is a moral concept, indicating that the animal has a capacity for complex social relationships and understanding.

    Monkeys were taught the concept of currency (in the form of silver discs) and soon after, they unexpectedly developed prostitution on their own. [4]

    Monkeys like this are the primates of lower intelligence, mind you. I’m not even saying I condone these studies even, as I’m not convinced the ends justify the cruel means with which the experiments were conducted.

    I think we should be more respectful of life, rather than subjecting it to such mass exploitation and suffering. I can admit I will value my loved ones over other animals and humans on a selfish level, but when I separate emotion from my reasoning, I don’t believe it is justified for humans to exploit animals as we do for our own gains.

    It’s important to note the extremely unnecessary suffering of frivolous experiments on a widespread scale. One example is the LD 50 (or median lethal dose), in which animals are essentially force-fed a product (cosmetics, cleaners, medicines, etc.) until half of the test subjects die, to determine the lethal dose. [5]

    Much of the time, their death isn’t because of the substance itself; it’s due to the quantity force-fed (stomach/organs rupturing, whatnot). This test is used on clearly nonessential products like cosmetics, and the results are often unreliable. [5]

    I am not interested in debating this subject. I just wanted to share my thoughts. Things to watch out for in objection to animal rights arguments are common fallacies like the appeal to nature, appeal to tradition, and just blatant speciesism.