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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: August 20th, 2023


  • More than you think. They are also actively seeking ways to make that leverage effect more people.

    They are defining web standards. They control chrome and chromium. So all of the alternative browsers that aren’t safari and Firefox are using Google’s web engine. Even Firefox and safari are beholden to Google as they fund both these web browsers through their default search deals.

    Google after many failed messaging apps has taken on RCS messaging. They provide most of the supporting infrastructure through their Jibe servers. They don’t allow anyone but themselves and Samsung to make an RCS app on android. They also had a campaign to pressure apple to use RCS. It’s likely apple’s RCS will be following Google’s Jibe service closely, as they’ve already said their will work with Google on this. Google successfully got most RCS messages going through their servers, with apple on board with RCS itll see most SMS messages defaulting to RCS and most of those going through Google.

    They also have deep hooks into education market with their OneDrive/Google docs products and Chromebooks.

    Most privacy focused android alternatives recommend Google hardware.

  • Google flat out doesn’t allow it. Not even side loaded.

    RCS isn’t the open standard Google claims it to be. They don’t allow anyone to make an RCS app that isn’t Google or an approved manufacturer. They also control the majority of the back end infrastructure with their Jibe service.

    You would be hard pressed to find someone using RCS that doesn’t have some of their conversations going through Google’s service.

    Google was pressuring Apple to move to RCS as it would give Google more data about iPhone users, as most of their chats would go through Google’s Jibe servers. This would help more conversations from SMS, WhatsApp, telegram and signal to RCS. This open standard is Google getting serious about being the messaging monopoly.

    If Apple is series about privacy for their users they will implement their own RCS server infrastructure and compete with Jibe. Giving carriers more options in providing RCS service. While also pushing all iPhone users through their own servers.

    If Apple isn’t implementing their own RCS server infrastructure it’ll be because Google is paying them to use RCS and leave it dependent on Google. Essentially making the default messaging service on Android and iPhone Jibe RCS.

  • Apple should block it. It requires people to hand off their apple accounts to an organisation. Someone using an account like this should be blocked by apple’s servers. As they clearly aren’t the account owner.

    Many online accounts will return a password incorrect message, even when the password is correct, if they believe your aren’t the account holder (bots, scammers etc). To allow this puts users accounts at risks.

    Some bad actors are likely to mimic this setup. Advertise access to iMessage for Android users, then use the apple account to defraud or blackmail them. It will be very attractive to previous iPhone users that will have payment details, addresses and media stored with their apple account.

  • Google wants everyone’s message data, that’s why their pushing it so aggressively.

    RCS is technically an open standard. But in reality it completely depends on Google’s Jibe system to make it work for many carriers.

    The recent anti competitive trials has shown Google is willing to pay apple billions for people’s internet activity to go through them. With Google currently pushing anti iMessage ads to shame apple into supports RCS, Google has most likely offered Apple a lot of money to use RCS. Apple has decided it’s not worth it.

    Why apple isn’t supporting RCS is unknown. But it either user privacy or user retention to their ecosystem. Either way they don’t think more exposure to Google is good for their users. This ‘open’ standard is a joke. If it doesn’t make Google money soon, they kill it like all their previous messenger projects.