I have a Kindle, but I will always prefer physical books. Recently, I have mostly been reading nonfiction, but I’m feeling the urge for some fantasy.
I’m a big fan of betterworldbooks.com for used books.
I have a Kindle, but I will always prefer physical books. Recently, I have mostly been reading nonfiction, but I’m feeling the urge for some fantasy.
I’m a big fan of betterworldbooks.com for used books.
Oh yeah, I would. There’s a big Chinese population in my area, so it’s kind of a big deal. Last year, I made the mistake of trying to buy a lobster when it was coincidentally Chinese New Year. I had the option of these little bitty things or monsters six plus pounds.
I had not known that their red color after being cooked makes them popular during the new year.
What is this delicious-sounding festival of which you speak?
I think I felt all that when I saw it at 8 or 9 years old, even if I couldn’t articulate it.
Puppy cuddles
It is a pretty well-rated horror movie.
He doesn’t give a shit. He’s going to be dead within a decade.
As someone who is on mobile a lot, I find the opposite to be the case. So many websites are not optimized for mobile browsing.
I just hope the next movie isn’t a bunch of kids again. No offense to the 20-something-year-old readers here, but having a variety of age groups is an important part of the diversity in a movie, and something which the franchise has been better with in the past.
I don’t think you have to worry about it. Sigourney Weaver has a career very separate from Alien these days.
You should share a picture!
Aside from my fellow Slavs: kielbasa and vinegar
My puppy keeps growing extra teeth! Going back into the vet tomorrow for some more x-rays.
No, but I do have bowel disease. Nobody should be forced to poop in a public stall.
Privacy and not feeling rushed while pooping.
I always called it the nipple.
I actually loved that thing when I had one. Much better control than the touchpad and with less need to move your hand off of the keyboard.
Clickbait title.