House Republicans want to prevent the Pentagon from removing a Confederate memorial from “America’s most sacred shrine,” Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia.

Rep. Andrew Clyde of Georgia led a group of more than 40 GOP colleagues in calling for the Department of Defense to halt the planned removal of the Reconciliation Monument, also known as the Confederate Memorial, “until Congress completes the Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 appropriations process.”

In a letter to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, the GOP lawmakers said the monument’s removal “does not align with the original intent of Congress.”

  • Binthinkin
    305 months ago

    Arlington used to be the plantation of RE Lee and we built a cemetery over it as a fuck you to the Confederates and this is now a fuck you to their kin.

    They should have just grown up but instead they plotted revenge by AGAIN trying to destroy our country.

    They are condemned to being losers forever.

    Good riddance!

    75 months ago

    Are we done pretending that they’re not an entire party of racist cowards? I mean, logical and reasonable people who think for themselves never thought otherwise, but this question is for the racist cowards.

    Are you don’t pretending you’re not yet?

  • HubertManne
    55 months ago

    sure. just work with them on universal healthcare. making higher tax brackets. and raising the debt cap along with requiring taxes be collected to meet whats budgeted. oh and gun control. help me folks. what else?

  • AutoTL;DRB
    35 months ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    House Republicans want to prevent the Pentagon from removing a Confederate memorial from “America’s most sacred shrine,” Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia.

    Rep. Andrew Clyde of Georgia led a group of more than 40 GOP colleagues in calling for the Department of Defense to halt the planned removal of the Reconciliation Monument, also known as the Confederate Memorial, “until Congress completes the Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 appropriations process.”

    “The Department of Defense must comply with this request or risk denigrating the delicate balance of the principles of separation of powers between Congress and the Executive, outlined in the Constitution,” they added.

    “In 1900, Congress authorized Confederate remains to be buried at Arlington National Cemetery, and in 1906, Secretary of War, William Howard Taft, permitted construction of a monument honoring our country’s new shared reconciliation from its troubled divisions,” they wrote.

    The cemetery’s website says that the statue depicts a classical female figure with a crown of olive leaves, rebel soldiers, and enslaved Black people.

    In a letter to The Washington Post, signed by family members, they stated: "This statue intended to rewrite history to justify the Confederacy and the subsequent racist Jim Crow laws.

    The original article contains 493 words, the summary contains 194 words. Saved 61%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!