• @BlitzFitz@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    We’re about to learn if the FDA has more authority over drugs than our judicial system.

    If the US goes the route of judges having more say over drugs than the FDA, we consumers won’t be able to trust what is on the market. Personal bias and beliefs will be the reason we will have certain drugs or not vs their actual scientific and medical merit.

    We’ll be screwed and trust in drugs will fall even lower

  • What’s the standing here? I mean, is it possible for the Supreme Court to rule only Congress can approve a drug? God forbid we get another pandemic soon. This Congress would rather millions die than for people to make a decision about their own health care.

  • AutoTL;DRB
    25 months ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    The nine justices rejected a separate appeal from abortion opponents who challenged the Food and Drug Administration’s initial approval of mifepristone as safe and effective in 2000.

    Abortion opponents filed their challenge to mifepristone the following November and initially won a sweeping ruling six months later revoking the drug’s approval entirely.

    “The modest decision below merely restores the common-sense safeguards under which millions of women have taken chemical abortion drugs,” wrote lawyers for the Alliance Defending Freedom, which describes itself as a Christian law firm.

    U.S. District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk, an appointee of President Donald Trump in Texas, initially revoked FDA approval of mifepristone.

    But Judges Andrew Oldham and Kurt Engelhardt said most of the rest of Kacsmaryk’s ruling could take effect while the case winds through federal courts.

    Besides reducing the time during which the drug can be taken and halting distribution through the mail, patients who are seeking medication abortions would have had to make three in-person visits with a doctor.

    The original article contains 664 words, the summary contains 163 words. Saved 75%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!