Hi all, I am one year into my coding journey and could use a little guidance on a project. I have created a Python program that provides real-time hockey stats and game information, using API calls (documentation here: https://github.com/Zmalski/NHL-API-Reference). The code is working, and it’s really fun to see stats updating in real time as I’m watching my favorite sport. Just one problem: this is all happening in the terminal window 😆 What Python library would you recommend for creating a pleasing visual display for dynamically-generated data? I thought it might be Pygame, which I have some experience with, but now I’m not sure. Right now I’m only presenting text and numbers, not drawing any plots, but should I consider matplotlib? Thanks for any advice!

Edit: I think the term for what I’m trying to make is a “dashboard”? Is that correct, and does that help answer the question? Thanks y’all!

  • pcouy@lemmy.pierre-couy.fr
    18 days ago

    If you are interested in web technologies, you can turn your python program into a local API using something like Flask, then make a web interface using HTML/JS.