it’s litterally mattel car in the broom of the system by dfw
WTF did you just say?
lol maybe i should’ve explained
The Broom of the Sysem is a novel by David Foster Wallace and the main character drives a cheap micro-car made of plastic produced by toy-manifacturer Mattel. I thought of this because of the size shrinkage of EVs and the affordability pointed in the article, even if I don’t think the car in the book was electric.
good book btw
Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t part of the problem that the auto industry wants to chase the higher profit margins on larger vehicles? As long as the perverse incentive is present it’s going to be an uphill battle to get them to produce more compact, cost effective cars.
That’s exactly the problem — in the US there’s an extra tariff on larger vehicles, so the manufacturers face less competition and therefore earn greater profits if they only make big vehicles.
Harder, Better, Greener, Smaller
Honestly, I live in a mostly rural area. It’s 40 miles to the biggest large town/city, I’m 15 minutes to a grocery store. I’m lucky to work from home, but before that, I worked 20 minutes away. Even something with only an 80 mile range would do what I need it to do, so long as I can charge in public. I wouldn’t like having that range, but I’d take it. IF IT DIDN’T COST AS MUCH AS A SHITTY HOUSE. Seriously, give us some cheap EVs that people can upgrade from later on and sell in the secondary market so poor folk like me can buy the equivalent of 98 Toyota Corolla.
I’m up in the mountains and remote too.
Just picked up a secondhand Dacia Spring with a still-200km range for 8k €
Perhaps the problem isn’t that you can’t get the cars, perhaps it’s that you think cars have to be big
Nope. I happily drove a geo metro, and I longed for a smart car for year. That particular vehicle isn’t available in the US, either. But thanks for the assumption!
I should’ve used the plural “yous”
I’m gonna go ahead and apologize for being snippy. I had just woken up, and I’ve got a fever. Think I misread your intent a bit.
I wasn’t clear either, sorry. Pretty sure Dacia is part of the Stellantis group of greedy cunts and therefore Dacia would be very much available if there was a market for it where you are
But no, tiny-penis trucks abound!
I don’t believe I have ever seen a Dacia on the road in North America.
The options to buy a smaller EV are extremely limited here.
Doesn’t give the best reason clearly. Lighter vehicles need less battery weight to get a target range and get more range per kwh/kg, which also means more range per charging time. Batteries are the most expensive part of an EV, and smaller means better car performance.
Make them smaller, lighter, fewer wheels, and add two pedals.
Why Norway is rethinking its reliance on electric cars | Vox
It would also be nice of Norway to stop exporting so much oil.
Thank you. At last something that makes sense to me in this discourse.