Its all porn, pornhub just prohibits itself from operating in states that pass this legislation.
The legislation in question requires you to prove you’re over 18 to enter these sites. Whether that’s through id or credit card info. However, this can lead to some pretty insane security issues. Just imagine if the id of every user along with their browsing data got leaked.
So instead, pornhub just refuses to operate in those states.
A surprising number of adult sites have been blocked. Most who abide by the block are the big branded companies. There are plenty who just ignore it, but those are mostly smaller aggregate sites that if one goes down, there are a dozen others just like it.
Good thing there’s more than one porn website then I guess. Don’t tell them.
Its all porn, pornhub just prohibits itself from operating in states that pass this legislation.
The legislation in question requires you to prove you’re over 18 to enter these sites. Whether that’s through id or credit card info. However, this can lead to some pretty insane security issues. Just imagine if the id of every user along with their browsing data got leaked.
So instead, pornhub just refuses to operate in those states.
A surprising number of adult sites have been blocked. Most who abide by the block are the big branded companies. There are plenty who just ignore it, but those are mostly smaller aggregate sites that if one goes down, there are a dozen others just like it.
there’s so many! but which ones!?!
I’m not showing my driver’s license to any porn website, that’s stupid.
What a weird world to live in. Who would ever do that?