Am I an egg if I like imagining myself as one of the women in yuri hentai doujinshi or no?

I personally don’t think I’m an egg because when I occasionally read hentai doujinshi I like imagining myself as the male character that is fucking the really hot anime women.

And I don’t have any desire to ever be a trans woman because I’m happy that God made me a man.

But I would like here from other people’s perspective that might have a had similar experience .

    2 months ago

    The only person who can really answer that question is you, unfortunately. Us randos on the internet can, however, give you more perspectives for you to consider and help you come to the answer you feel is right. I consider myself to be a cishet male, but I fantasize about life on the other side pretty regularly, getting railed by my wife turned male. If I was able to switch my body back and forth at will, I feel like would probaby spend a lot of time as a woman if for no other reason than to fidget with boobs instead of balls. I am comfortable with my body and don’t feel it’s the wrong body/gender for me, which is why I consider myself cisgender, but the horny part of me wishes I could experience more. The curse shared by the main characters in the comic series Bound Together by Chesshire88 on deviantart is pretty much the situation I would love to have with my wife if it was an only when I wanted it type thing, so while it’s a pretty horny comic in a niche fetish, I relate to it pretty strongly. Hope my perspective helps you!

    2 months ago

    I’m mtf. I would say I was an egg during my femboy phase when I was crossdressing almost every day in semi-slutty summer clothes. While I prefer male partners at this point, I enjoyed lesbian porn in high school and imagined myself as one of the girls. I think that’s normal. You could be genderfluid or something. I recommend going to your local LGBT group and meeting more queer people.

    2 months ago

    Nah, you’re just a weeb.

    That’s said jokingly, but it’s also true.

    There’s a massive difference between fantasy and actual desires. What you’re talking about is a fantasy, and if you aren’t experiencing a desire to be other than what you are, or a sense that your outside and inside don’t match properly (whether or not that is a source of distress), then that’s all it is.

    Tbh, it isn’t even a rare fantasy.

    Back in the day, there was a psychologist that compiled and studied sexual fantasy. Nancy Friday. She published several books on the subject, mostly about women’s fantasies since it was much less studied and understood as a subject. But she also covered men’s fantasies.

    What all of that boils down to is that fantasies of experiencing sex as a different gender/sex than your own happens often enough that it merited its own sections in her books. It isn’t the most common, but it isn’t rare at all, and only some of those that shared their fantasies also expressed a desire to be the gender/sex they were fantasizing about.

    So, is it just sexual for you? Or does it extend to the rest of your life? That’s what tells you whether you’re a horny weeb or a weeb egg