• AutoTL;DRB
    25 months ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Telecoms providers have been forced to pause plans to impose digital phone lines on vulnerable customers after reports of pensioners left unable to call for help during power cuts.

    Companies including BT and Virgin Media have been forced by Michelle Donelan, the technology secretary, to sign a charter to safeguard at-risk households during the nationwide switchover from analogue to internet-based landlines.

    Last month, the Guardian reported on concerns that the digitalisation of the telecoms network was moving too fast and too soon and could leave vulnerable users cut off.

    John Whittingdale, the minister for digital infrastructure, last week informed parliament of “serious incidents” of telecare devices failing in emergencies.

    “It seems the whole project is being completely botched,” said Dennis Reed, the director of the campaign group Silver Voices, which accuses BT of reneging on earlier promises not to force over-70s to switch.

    A Virgin Media spokesperson said: “In line with the agreed commitments, we have paused switchovers as we review our processes to further support consumers, building on the range of measures that we already have in place.”

    The original article contains 431 words, the summary contains 179 words. Saved 58%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!