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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2020


  • Update on lemmy finances (not including cryptocurrencies)

    patreon: $1,591/month

    liberapay: $374.22 per week (about 1609 per month)

    open collective: $2082 (29/6/2023 -> 29/7/2023)

    Assuming 63K active users , the per user monetization of 0.08 dollar per user (Reddit’s revenue per monthly user is roughly $1.19).

    Estimated developer salary for the two main developers is about 2600$, estimated median salary for developer in the US is about 10K a month.

    For comparison firefish made about 1424$ ((29/6/2023 -> 29/7/2023) with an active users count of 11868 (or 8146 if you don’t count calckey, which i think is important because they added a pop up asking for donation, but i don’t know if that is after the name change) so that gives a per user monetization of 0.11 dollar per user ( or 0.17 not counting calckey).

    Corrections are welcomed.

  • If you like using Lemmy, and want to make sure that we will always be available to work full time building it, consider donating to support its development

    according to my calculations you are at about 6808$ , is that enough?

    Might be worth setting up some fundraising goal, for example if you want 10K a month for two devs and the result will be lower that might incentivize people to donate (patreon has that feature, iirc drew devault created software that can add up the results from various platforms) .

    And don’t be afraid to ask for a salary comparable to other tech companies , you do good meaningful work and deserve every cent (even if you feel like the money is not really needed now, you might start families and those can be expensive … )