zajiskřilo a vzplálo
zajiskřilo a vzplálo
I did archive it. A special moment for sure. Will I ever make it as a charter in the comic? Who knows.
If it were me I’d be using the oxford comma, but you know I’m just picky.
commas aren’t a thing in the apocalyptic future, I see.
End that device now. Non-lethal shots are cruel.
Fish used to have a body and wasn’t just a floating fish??
Open Blade was relicensed from proprietary. It was a throw it over the fence style relicensing
Maybe Axe body spray will respond?
When did this turn into a horror comic?
Personally I think we should just ignore him, every mention gives him the possibility to spread his hateful message. He’s spineless, let him wriggle in obscurity.
This is the theory of how the default WinXP wallpaper came into existence.
No it’s not free. You can’t play.