Yeah just make it thicker and smaller. You can have a larger battery. wont need a camera bumb and your hands wont hurt because youre not holding a tablet sized thing in one hand.
Yeah just make it thicker and smaller. You can have a larger battery. wont need a camera bumb and your hands wont hurt because youre not holding a tablet sized thing in one hand.
Ohh almost as if everyones been saying how electric cars arent the solution…
I was hoping so bad that it would come but it never came… we need a proper open source smartphone but there is so many variables in it sadly. Though with the recent developments in mobile linux and using a translation layer for android apps maybe something is possible. The problem is something being open source isnt enough to penetrate the tech space, it has to be better than the alternatives, which with phones means it has to either be ridiculously powerfull or extremely cheap, which are both hard to achive in such a saturated space. Even linux is only popular because it is actually better than the alternatives.