Xfinity waited 13 days to patch critical Citrix Bleed 0-day. Now it’s paying the price::Data for almost 36 million customers now in the hands of unknown hackers.

    5 months ago

    Hate these stupid fucked up headlines. What “price” are they paying?! They don’t even know how many of their customers were actually affected. They have no idea what happened as they’re incompetent and apathetic about the data they’re so zealously collecting. So what’s this price?

    Corporations have no shame or morals, and as history indicates, there will be zero repercussions for them, and therefore zero consequences.

      75 months ago

      In Europe this would be a hard to explain breach of GDPR. Which could result in some hefty fines. Especially if it is a vulnerability they knew about but chose to wait.

  • AutoTL;DRB
    45 months ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Comcast waited 13 days to patch its network against a high-severity vulnerability, a lapse that allowed hackers to make off with password data and other sensitive information belonging to 36 million Xfinity customers.

    Exploits disclose session tokens, which the hardware assigns to devices that have already successfully provided login credentials.

    The name Citrix Bleed is an allusion to Heartbleed, a different critical information disclosure zero-day that turned the Internet on its head in 2014.

    That vulnerability, which resided in the OpenSSL code library, came under mass exploitation and allowed the pilfering of passwords, encryption keys, banking credentials, and all kinds of other sensitive information.

    A sweep of the most active ransomware sites didn’t turn up any claims of responsibility for the hack of the Comcast network.

    Comcast is requiring Xfinity customers to reset their passwords to protect against the possibility that attackers can crack the stolen hashes.

    The original article contains 436 words, the summary contains 147 words. Saved 66%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

    35 months ago

    The representative declined to say why company admins didn’t patch sooner.

    In the corporate world, staying quiet and doing nothing is often safer for your ass than doing something that could cause downtime (such as emergency patching).