• spaceghoti
    246 months ago

    Since I haven’t received even an attempt at an answer to this question before, I’ll ask it again: what evidence does anyone have to show that Biden’s age has negatively effected his mental capacity? I’ll concede that his age is a reason to ask the question, but the question keeps being repeated in spite of any demonstration of mental lapses on his part. His verbal gaffes have been consistent throughout his political career, and I’ve seen no evidence that they’ve increased in his old age.

    • Also … Yes, Biden is old.

      Trump’s like three years younger and has a diet of junk food and stimulants.

      This isn’t apples and oranges, it’s just prunes.

      • spaceghoti
        26 months ago

        Also … Yes, Biden is old.

        Has anyone attempted to dispute this? Is this why it keeps getting brought up? And how has his age affected his capabilities? Give me specifics, please.

    • @dirthawker0@lemmy.world
      16 months ago

      I pointed out in another thread that Bernie Sanders is a year older than Biden, yet nobody questions his age or competence. Media is trying to manufacture loss of confidence and it pisses me off.

  • @dirthawker0@lemmy.world
    106 months ago

    What is with this obsession with Biden’s age, as if there’s a direct correlation to competence. This never comes up a topic of concern with Bernie Sanders, who is older by a year. Sure, I’d say Feinstein should have been retired 8 years or more before but instead she ridiculously hung on till death. And sure, age is a concern since the guy could die in office. But Biden isn’t showing any signs of incompetence any more than Sanders. And certainly in better mental shape than his Republican rival who can barely string together 3 coherent sentences.

    • @return2ozma@lemmy.worldOP
      -76 months ago

      I think the Biden vs Bernie is that Sanders just “appears” to have more energy and fight in him. Biden shuffles walking to podiums and has a lot of “what did he say?!” moments.

  • @the_q@lemmy.world
    56 months ago

    He should, and anyone 65 or older, publicly take a cognitive assessment test. If he fails let the VP step in. These redundant old farts need to prove they’re able to function at a base level.

  • @Pratai@lemmy.ca
    46 months ago

    Trump is how old again? Physically- he’s got to be around 100 or so- mentally, he’s 6.


    • Narrrz
      26 months ago

      it gets him coming and going. alzeimers is degrading his mental capacity, which as you mentioned, was already only the level of a six year old.

      a very average six year old.

      • @Pratai@lemmy.ca
        16 months ago

        Mentally, he’s performing similarly to a 6 year old that performs similarly to a 4 year old.

  • AutoTL;DRB
    26 months ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    WASHINGTON, Nov 20 (Reuters) - U.S. President Joe Biden turns 81 on Monday, a milestone likely to draw attention to his status as the oldest person to ever occupy the Oval Office, with opinion polls showing Americans worried he is too old for the post he is seeking reelection to.

    Biden has addressed those who worry that he is too old for the rigors of the White House with humor and an attempt to convince voters that his age and experience over a half-century in public life is an asset in tackling America’s problems.

    Republican Ronald Reagan, who had the prior record as oldest U.S. president, ended his second four-year term at age 77 in 1989.

    Trump, the frontrunner for the Republican nomination to challenge Biden in the 2024 election, is 77.

    In a mid-September Reuters/Ipsos poll, voters expressed concern over Biden’s age and his fitness for office.

    By comparison, 56% of poll respondents said Trump is too old for the office, while 54% said he was mentally sharp enough to handle the challenges of the presidency.

    The original article contains 231 words, the summary contains 177 words. Saved 23%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!