I never even bought it. It looked monetized to hell compared to MK11, and it didn’t seem to offer much more for the increased price. I liked most of the character designs, and of course the game looks beautiful. But that’s not going to cut it for me. All I heard about it was that it added a lot of aerial combat, which I really don’t care to tangle with.
The monetization, obviously. How is this even a question? Mfs paid $110 for the game and Netherrealm/WB expect them to pay double that on DLC
because it was not immortal combat 1
Nothing killed it, it was a sweet game on Sega Genesis and MKII was even better
As someone who only pirated it, I thought it was pretty good. I just wish they would bring back create a fighter, but I know that’s never gonna happen because then they couldn’t charge for new ones.